Pasta with broccoli and toasted sesame
Pasta with broccoli and toasted sesame is a simple and quick meatless dinner! What to eat with pasta on a diet? Discover a simple recipe for pasta with broccoli!
Pasta with broccoli and toasted sesame is a simple and quick-to-prepare fit meal with pasta. Dishes with pasta are versatile and very popular. Their great advantage is usually the short preparation time.
Broccoli contains many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are mainly known for their high content of vitamins: A, C, K, folic acid, and minerals: phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and calcium.
How to make pasta with broccoli? Discover a simple pasta recipe!
Preparation time: 15 min
Calories: 360
Protein: 9 g
Carbohydrates: 64 g
Fats: 11 g
Ingredients for 1 serving of pasta with broccoli and roasted sesame:
- Pasta 1 serving (70 g)
- Broccoli 1/2 small piece (100 g)
- Sesame seeds 1 teaspoon (5 g)
- Garlic 1 clove (5 g)
- Coconut oil 1 teaspoon (5 g)
- Salt
Preparation of pasta with broccoli and toasted sesame seeds:

Step 1: Cook the pasta to your preferred tenderness following the instructions on the package. In the meantime, prepare the remaining ingredients.

Step 2: Heat a dry pan and toast the sesame seeds (shake the pan occasionally to prevent the sesame from burning). Set aside.

Step 3: Wash the broccoli and divide it into very small florets (the smaller the florets, the easier it is to spot any browning or spoilage, which should be cut off and discarded). Peel the garlic and press it through a crusher or chop it finely. Pour a little water (about 0.5 cm deep) into a pan and add the broccoli florets. From the moment it boils, cook them for about 4 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Step 4: Towards the end of cooking, when the water has almost evaporated (if it doesn’t, drain it off), add the coconut oil and garlic. Season with salt to taste and stir. Sauté for a few moments.

Step 5: Add the drained pasta and mix thoroughly.

Step 6: Transfer to a plate and sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds.
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Related topics – meal: pasta with broccoli recipe, how to make pasta with broccoli, how to make pasta with broccoli florets, recipe for a pasta dish, pasta with broccoli florets recipe, quick meatless pasta meal, what can you eat with pasta on a diet, diet-friendly pasta recipes, recipe for pasta with broccoli florets, fit pasta with broccoli florets
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