Kogel-mogel is a simple and very nutritious fit dessert made from eggs. How to make a dietary kogel-mogel without sugar? Discover a simple fit recipe with sweet yolks!
Sandwiches with hummus and lettuce are a great idea for a healthy, no-cook breakfast. Looking for a vegan sandwich option? Discover a recipe for vegan sandwiches!
Broccoli and millet cream soup is a simple and quick dietetic soup. How to make broccoli cream soup? Discover an easy recipe for broccoli soup with millet!
Caesar salad is a simple and quick fit dish with turkey. How to make a Caesar salad with turkey? Discover the diet recipe for Caesar salad with turkey!
Scrambled tofu with tomato is a simple and quick vegan dietary meal. What to make scrambled tofu with? Discover the simple recipe for scrambled tofu with tomatoes!
Chicken breast with cheese and pear is an idea for a quick lunch. How to make chicken with pears? Discover a simple recipe for chicken breast with pears and cheese!