Microwave no-fry pancakes are a very simple dish. How to make pancakes in the microwave? Discover a diet recipe for no-fry pancakes!
No-bake chocolate and nut cookies are simple and quick fit treats. How to make no-bake oatmeal cookies? Discover the fit recipe for oatmeal cookies!
Baked potato wedges are an easy-to-prepare dish made from potatoes. How to make baked potatoes? Discover a simple recipe for baked potatoes!
Pasta with tofu in tomato sauce is a simple and quick vegan dish. How to make a vegan pasta sauce? Discover the recipe for pasta with tofu!
American pancakes are a simple and quick fit meal for a sweet treat. How to make pancakes? Discover an easy recipe for pancakes!
Sweet potato toasts with avocado and tomato are a simple vegan dish made from sweet potatoes. What can you make with sweet potatoes? Discover a simple recipe with sweet potato and avocado!