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Stuffed potato

Stuffed potato is a quick and simple fit dish made from potatoes. How to make stuffed potatoes in the oven? Discover a simple recipe for oven-baked potatoes!

Stuffed potato is an idea for a simple to prepare and really tasty meatless fit dish. Its preparation is extremely simple and does not require many ingredients. You only need to have a potato, cheese, onion, and salt and pepper on hand.
Stuffed potato tastes great on its own or with various additions such as sauces, dips, or salads, or as part of larger meals that include meat, eggs, or fish.
Potatoes are a treasure trove of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, almost all vitamins (but they are richest in vitamin C) and fiber. Additionally, they have alkalizing properties.
How to make a stuffed potato? Discover a simple recipe for stuffed potatoes from the oven!

Preparation time: 55 min
Calories: 260
Protein: 9 g
Carbohydrates: 48 g
Fats: 5 g

Ingredients for stuffed potato:

  • Potato 1 medium or 2 small pieces (250 g)
  • Yellow cheese 1 piece or 1 slice (15 g)
  • Onion 1 small piece (50 g)
  • Salt
  • Pepper

Preparation of stuffed potato:

Stuffed potato recipe

Step 1: Wash and dry the potato thoroughly in its skin. Then prick the potato in several places with a fork. Transfer the potato onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and put it into an oven preheated to 190°C (374°F). Bake until medium soft, which takes about 35-45 minutes (depending on the size of the potato). Near the end of baking, prepare the remaining ingredients.

Stuffed potato recipe

Step 2: Grate the cheese on a grater or finely chop it. Peel and finely chop the onion.

Stuffed potato recipe

Step 3: Remove the potato and let it cool slightly. Then cut it lengthwise in half. Gently scoop out some of the pulp from the center of each half with a spoon. In a bowl, place the crumbled pulp, cheese, and onion. Season to taste with salt and pepper and mix thoroughly.

Stuffed potato recipe

Step 4: Fill each potato half with the stuffing and return to the oven. Bake until the potatoes are soft and the cheese has melted, about 10 more minutes.

Stuffed potato recipe

Step 5: Eat immediately after preparation.

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