Caprese is the most famous Italian salad. It’s simple, quick, and truly delicious! How to make a Caprese salad? Discover the easy recipe for Caprese salad!
Cottage cheese with strawberry puree is a idea for a healthy dessert. What to pair with sweet cottage cheese? Discover a recipe for a dessert with cottage cheese!
Rice with broccoli and carrots is a healthy and diet-friendly vegan dish. Want to know how to make rice with vegetables? Discover a recipe for rice with veggies!
Cereal with milk is an idea for a quick and healthy breakfast. What to eat with breakfast cereal? Discover a simple recipe for cornflakes for breakfast!
Looking for a quick, tasty, and dietary meal? Try sandwiches with quark cheese and ham! Discover our express and simple recipe for sandwiches with quark cheese!
Yogurt with banana and cocoa is a quick dessert made with natural yogurt. How to make a dessert with yogurt? Discover a simple recipe for yogurt with banana!