Salad with mozzarella and curry is a simple, meatless fit salad. How to make a salad with mozzarella? Discover a recipe for a salad with mozzarella and tomato!
Shrimp and cheese toasts are an idea for a healthy fast food option. How to make shrimp and cheese toasts? Discover a simple recipe for shrimp and cheese toasts!
Lentils with vegetables and coconut milk is an idea for a healthy, meat-free dinner. How to make lentils with vegetables? Discover the recipe for lentils with coconut milk!
An omelette is a popular breakfast meal. It tastes even better when you add healthy ingredients to it. How to make a sweet omelette? Discover a simple omelette recipe!
Chicken roulades are a quick and simple idea for chicken breast. How to make chicken roulade? Discover an easy recipe for chicken roulades with mushrooms!
Sandwiches with guacamole are a great idea for quick and healthy sandwiches. What to make sandwiches with on a diet? Discover a simple recipe for a roll with avocado!