Strawberry dumplings are a simple and quick-to-prepare sweet fit meal. How to make strawberry dumplings? Discover the recipe for strawberry dumplings!
Homemade popcorn is a simple, inexpensive, and nutritious gluten-free fit snack. How to make popcorn in a pan? Discover a simple recipe for popcorn!
Beef satay with peanut sauce is a Malay-Indonesian delicacy. How to make beef satay with sauce? Discover a simple recipe for beef satay with peanut sauce!
Beets might not be everyone’s favorite, but in this recipe, they are transformed into something delicious. Learn how to make a beet salad with Capreggio cheese!
Baked cauliflower in yogurt paste is a fit dish made from cauliflower. How do you make cauliflower in the oven? Discover a simple recipe for baked cauliflower with skyr yogurt!
Fries without an oven and without a lot of oil – is it possible? Of course! How to make fit fries without an oven? Discover the simple recipe for pan-fried fries!