
Greek-style fish is a simple and quick-to-prepare festive fish dish. How to make Greek-style fish? Discover an easy recipe for a diet Greek-style fish!

Greek-style fish is a traditional meal that appears on festive tables in most Polish homes.
Like the festive salad made from cooked vegetables, Greek-style fish tastes slightly different in every home. Discover my family recipe for a diet version of Greek-style fish.
Cod is a source of high-quality protein, vitamin D3, selenium, vitamin B12, phosphorus, vitamin A, and omega-3 fatty acids. An additional major advantage of this fish is its low calorie count. Cod has exceptionally lean and delicate meat. In this dish, you can use store-bought or homemade tomato passata.
How to make diet Greek-style fish? Discover a simple recipe for Greek-style fish!

Preparation time: 20 min + cooling time
Calories: 504
Protein: 59 g
Carbohydrates: 52 g
Fats: 10 g

Ingredients for Greek-style fish:

  • Cod 1 large fillet (250 g)
  • Carrots 2 large pieces (200 g)
  • Parsley root 1 large piece (100 g)
  • Celery root 1/4 of a medium piece (100 g)
  • Leek 1 small piece (100 g)
  • Tomato passata 1 cup (200 g)
  • Tomato paste 1 tablespoon (30 g)
  • Oil 1 teaspoon (5 g)
  • Salt
  • Pepper

Preparation of Greek-style fish:

Greek-style fish recipe

Step 1: If using frozen fish, first thaw it in cold water. Once thawed, start preparing the fish.

Greek-style fish recipe

Step 2: Cut the fish into several centimeter-long pieces.

greek style fish

Step 3: Transfer the fish to a saucepan and cover with water (adjust the amount to submerge all pieces). Season with a pinch of salt and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and cook until the fish is properly thermally processed, about 5-10 minutes depending on the size of the pieces.

Greek-style fish recipe

Step 4: While the fish is cooking, prepare the other ingredients. Wash, peel, and grate the carrots, parsley, and a piece of celery on a coarse grater. Wash, clean, and finely chop the leek.

Greek-style fish recipe

Step 5: Heat the oil in a saucepan. Add the leek and fry for a few minutes, stirring occasionally.

Greek-style fish recipe

Step 6: Then add the carrots, parsley, and celery. Mix and reduce the heat. Fry under a lid until soft, about 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Greek-style fish recipe

Step 7: Towards the end, add the tomato passata and concentrate. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly and simmer for a moment.

Greek-style fish recipe

Step 8: Arrange the fish and vegetables alternately in a glass or ceramic dish.

Greek-style fish recipe

Step 9: Set aside to cool. After cooling, cover and refrigerate. It’s best to prepare the dish one or two days in advance for the flavor to intensify.

Greek-style fish recipe

Step 10: Serve cold or reheated.

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