Recipes / Breakfast / Dessert / snack

Fruit salad with yogurt

Fruit salad is a simple and healthy fit snack made from fruits. How to make a fruit salad with yogurt? Discover an easy recipe for fruit and yogurt salad!

Fruit salad is a great idea for a healthy dessert or a light breakfast. It’s incredibly simple and quick to prepare, and it’s truly delicious.
Apples are rich in numerous nutrients and invaluable health benefits. Due to their high fiber content, apples effectively regulate bowel movements, thereby preventing constipation and other intestinal issues. The fiber in apples reduces cholesterol absorption, which in turn helps prevent arteriosclerosis and heart attacks. Apples have a low glycemic index [38], making them suitable for those with diabetes.
Apples are a source of many vitamins, including vit. A, vit. C, vit. E, vit. K, and B-group vitamins, as well as minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium.
How to make a fruit salad with apple? Discover an easy recipe for fruit salad with yogurt!

Preparation time: 5 min
Calories: 175
Protein: 8 g
Carbohydrates: 38 g
Fats: 1 g

Ingredients for 1 serving of fruit salad with yogurt:

  • Apple 1 medium piece (150 g)
  • Mandarin 1 medium piece (50 g)
  • Kiwi 1 piece (75 g)
  • Natural skyr yogurt 1 tablespoon (25 g)
  • Lemon juice 1 teaspoon (3 g)

Preparation of fruit salad with yogurt:

Fruit salad with yogurt recipe

Step 1: Wash and dry all the fruits. Quarter the apple. Peel it and remove the core. Slice each quarter in half lengthwise, then cut crosswise into medium-thick slices. Peel the kiwi and cut it in half lengthwise, then slice it crosswise. Peel the mandarin and separate it into segments.

Fruit salad with yogurt recipe

Step 2: Transfer all the prepared fruits to a bowl. Drizzle with lemon juice and add the yogurt. Mix well.

Fruit salad with yogurt recipe

Step 3: Transfer to a convenient dish.

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Related topics – meal: fruit salad recipe, fruit salad with yogurt, fruit salad calories, how to make fruit salad with apple, how to make fruit salad recipe, how to make fruit salad with yogurt, recipe for fruit salad with yogurt, fruit snack, how to make fruit salad with yogurt, salad with fruits and yogurt, salad of fruits with yogurt, recipe for fruit salad, ingredients for fruit salad recipe, fruit salad with natural yogurt, fruit salad with skyr, fruits with natural yogurt calories, fruits with natural yogurt recipe

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