Creamy pumpkin soup with a hint of ginger and coconut
Creamy pumpkin soup with a hint of ginger and coconut is a simple pumpkin soup made with coconut milk. How to make creamy pumpkin soup? Discover the recipe for pumpkin cream soup with ginger!
Creamy pumpkin soup with a hint of ginger and coconut is a simple and quick-to-make pumpkin cream with ginger.
The flavor of this soup is intense and pleasantly surprising – the combined tastes of pumpkin, ginger, and coconut milk enhance and refresh each other…
Pumpkin has numerous health benefits – it’s rich in vitamins and minerals, yet contains very few calories. There are many varieties of pumpkin, but all are nutritious, valuable, and low-calorie.
How to make creamy pumpkin soup with coconut milk? Discover the simple recipe for creamy pumpkin soup with ginger!
Preparation time: 25 min
Calories: 380
Protein: 4 g
Carbohydrates: 33 g
Fats: 33 g
Ingredients for creamy pumpkin soup with a hint of ginger and coconut:
- Pumpkin 1/3 medium-sized (300 g)
- Coconut milk just under 1/2 cup (100 g)
- Ginger about a 2 cm piece (10 g)
- Onion 1 small (50 g)
- Garlic 1 clove (5 g)
- Coconut oil 1 teaspoon (5 g)
- Curry
- Turmeric
- Cinnamon
- Salt
Preparation creamy pumpkin soup with a hint of ginger and coconut:

Step 1: Wash and dry the pumpkin. Then cut off a piece and remove the fibers and seeds. Peel off the skin (place the piece on a board and peel downward with a knife) and cut into pieces of similar size, about a few centimeters.

Step 2: Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic. Peel and grate the ginger on a small grater.

Step 3: Heat the oil in a saucepan. After a moment, add the onion, garlic, and ginger. Sauté for a few minutes, stirring occasionally. Season with curry, turmeric, and cinnamon, and continue to sauté, stirring constantly.

Step 4: Add the pumpkin and pour in water (about 3/4 of the pumpkin’s height). Bring to a boil and reduce the heat. Cook over medium heat until the pumpkin is soft, about 15 minutes.

Step 5: Then add the coconut milk and cook for another 5 minutes.

Step 6: Remove from heat and season with salt to taste. Blend everything with a hand blender. If necessary, add a bit more water and stir.

Step 7: Serve in a bowl.
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