Broccoli and millet cream soup
Broccoli and millet cream soup is a simple and quick dietetic soup. How to make broccoli cream soup? Discover an easy recipe for broccoli soup with millet!
Broccoli and millet cream soup is a simple and quick to prepare soup made with broccoli.
The combined flavors of broccoli, millet, lemon zest, and nutmeg complement and refresh each other.
Broccoli is a great source of many vitamins, minerals, and a strong antioxidant– sulforaphane. Due to its numerous properties and exceptional nutritional values, it is considered one of the healthiest vegetables in the world.
How to make broccoli cream soup? Discover an easy recipe for broccoli cream soup!
Preparation time: 20 min
Calories: 300
Protein: 10 g
Carbohydrates: 46 g
Fats: 11 g
Ingredients for broccoli and millet cream soup:
- Fresh or frozen broccoli 1 small piece or 1/2 package (200 g)
- Millet 4 tablespoons (40 g)
- White onion 1 small piece (50 g)
- Garlic 1 clove (5 g)
- Coconut oil 1 teaspoon (5 g)
- Lemon zest 1 teaspoon (3 g)
- Almond flakes 1 teaspoon (5 g)
- Salt
- Curry
- Turmeric
- Nutmeg
- Water
Preparation of broccoli and millet cream soup:

Step 1: Cook the millet (check the recipe).

Step 2: If using fresh broccoli: wash and divide into very small florets (the smaller the florets, the easier it is to find any browning or spoilage, which should be cut off and discarded).

Step 3: Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic. In a pot, heat the coconut oil. After a moment, add the onion and garlic. Sauté on low heat for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Step 4: Then add a pinch of curry, turmeric, and nutmeg (about 1/3-1/2 teaspoon of each spice). Mix well.

Step 5: Add the broccoli pieces and pour water to about 3/4 of the pot’s content. Mix well. Cook covered on medium heat for about 12-15 minutes.

Step 6: Towards the end, add the millet, grated zest of scalded lemon, and season with salt to taste. Blend with a blender into a smooth cream.

Step 7: Transfer to a bowl. Sprinkle the ready cream with almond flakes.
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