Oatmeal with milk and banana is a quick and healthy sweet breakfast. How to make oatmeal with milk and banana? Discover a simple recipe for oatmeal with milk!
Yogurt cauliflower puree is a delicious and low-calorie fit addition to meals. How to make cauliflower puree? Discover the simple recipe for cauliflower puree!
Egg white sweet marshmallows are a quick and simple fit dessert from the microwave. How to make a dessert from egg whites in the microwave? Discover a dietary recipe for an egg white dessert!
Chicken liver with onion and apple is a healthy way to prepare chicken liver. How to make liver with apple? Discover a simple recipe for liver with apple!
Vegan omelette with vegetables is a simple and quick dish to prepare made from tofu. How to make a vegan omelette? Discover the recipe for a vegan omelette with tofu!
Cinnamon roasted pumpkin puree is a delicious and nutritious pumpkin dessert. How to make a dietetic pumpkin puree? Discover a simple recipe for a dessert from roasted pumpkin!