Microwave tortilla nachos recipe

Microwave tortilla nachos

Domi Zaremba

Microwave tortilla nachos are a simple fit savory snack. How to make nachos in the microwave? Discover an easy recipe for microwave tortilla nachos!

Microwave tortilla nachos are a very simple and quick fit savory snack to prepare in the microwave. These nachos can be enjoyed on their own, with your favorite sauces, or as an addition to various dishes such as salads or soups. In my opinion, they taste great in every version.
You can season the nachos with any spices to achieve your favorite flavor. Of course, you can also skip adding any spices and prepare the classic version of nachos. I love both versions and prepare them alternately.
Opinions on preparing or heating food in microwaves are divided. However, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), using microwaves is completely safe. When it comes to the nutritional value loss of meals prepared in the microwave, it is comparable to that in standard thermal processing methods. If you want to learn more about microwaves, I refer you directly to the WHO website.
How to make tortilla nachos in the microwave? Discover an easy recipe for fit microwave nachos!

Preparation time: 5 min
Calories: 229
Protein: 4 g
Carbohydrates: 29 g
Fats: 10 g

Ingredients for microwave tortilla nachos:

  • Tortilla (wrap) 1 piece (62 g)
  • Olive oil 1 teaspoon (5 g)
  • Salt
  • Herbal pepper
  • Basil
  • Chili
  • Sweet smoked paprika

Preparation of microwave tortilla nachos:

Microwave tortilla nachos recipe

Step 1: In a bowl, mix the olive oil with a pinch of salt, herb pepper, basil, chili, and sweet smoked paprika. Mix thoroughly.

Microwave tortilla nachos recipe

Step 2: Place the tortilla on a cutting board or plate. Evenly spread the prepared mixture (or just olive oil if you prefer nachos without spices) over the tortilla. Cut the tortilla into triangles: cut the wrap into 16 triangular pieces or cut in half, then each half again, and finally cut each strip into small triangles. Place in the microwave for about 2-3 minutes (depending on the microwave’s power). Check occasionally and monitor the level of toasting.

Microwave tortilla nachos recipe

Step 3: Remove from the microwave when the nachos are golden brown. Immediately transfer them to another dish (to prevent them from sticking to the plate). The nachos should harden and become crispy a few minutes after being removed from the microwave.

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Related topics – meal: microwave nachos, microwave tortilla nachos, tortilla nachos from the microwave, microwave tortilla nachos recipe, microwave nachos recipe, fit microwave nachos recipe, diet microwave nachos, fit savory snack from the microwave, microwave snack, microwave tortilla chips, tortilla chips in 5 minutes from the microwave, tortilla chips from the microwave, how to make tortilla nachos in the microwave, how to make nachos in the microwave, tortilla nachos microwave recipe, tortilla nachos microwave, tortilla nachos microwave recipe, tortilla microwave recipe

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