6 ways to cook faster and healthier meals

6 ways to cook faster and healthier meals

Domi Zaremba

How to cook quickly, dietarily and, above all, healthy? How to make cooking easier? Discover our ways to make cooking more easy and fun!

We love cooking and that is why we could spend most of the day in the kitchen. Everyone sometimes does not have the time or the desire to cook.
From what we have noticed, it is usually our pupils who care the most about the shortest possible time in the kitchen and that is why we decided to share our methods for quick and healthy cooking.

Does attitude towards food matter?

Basic ingredients for cooking

These are the basic products that can be used to create most dishes, and additionally they have quite long shelf life. And that’s why we recommend that you always keep a small supply of them.

1. Olive oil

It is one of our favorite meal ingredients. Olive oil has amazing taste qualities and is also considered to be one of the healthiest fats. We usually use it without heat treatment. And for frying or stewing, we prefer to use clarified butter or coconut oil, which we also always have in stock.

2. Spices

Spices not only enrich the taste of the dish, but also usually have a beneficial effect on the body. If we were to choose one of the most versatile spices that can be applied to virtually anything, we would choose curry. Because it is a mixture of spices such as turmeric, ginger, black pepper, coriander, cumin, mustard, chilli, salt and sometimes cinnamon. Curry brings out different flavor values from each of the ingredients. It will enrich the taste of various meats, seafood, rice, vegetables or tofu. Additionally, it will be perfect as, for example, an ingredient in a salad dressing. And while we are talking about salad dressings, our favorite consists of olive oil, honey, lemon juice and curry spices.

3. Soy sauce, mustard and ketchup

These ingredients can liven up even the most boring meal. For example, an omelette or rice cakes with a bit of mustard acquire a completely new, more interesting taste.

4. Canned products and vegetable preserves

This is something that facilitates quick cooking. When cooking, we gladly use canned tomatoes, corn, beans or tomato passata. Products of this type are irreplaceable in the preparation of an express dish such as soup, pasta casserole or salad. Canned products can be bought in the store or you can easily prepare them yourself.

5. Onions, garlic, peppers, carrots and celery

Each of these vegetables can be used raw or cooked in almost any dish. By the way: our favorite way to make the first step in cooking is to sauté the onion or garlic in clarified butter or coconut oil. For a few minutes, you can bring out the great base flavor of many dishes, such as stews, scrambled eggs or soup.

6. Apple and pear

Our favorite fruits that can also be used in the preparation of savory dishes are apples and pears. They break the flavors perfectly. Raw or baked, they add very interesting flavor notes to salads, soups and meats.

7. Sun dried tomatoes

The last product that we like to use in the kitchen and cannot be replaced by any other is dried tomatoes. You can create a lot of amazing dishes with them, such as salads, pasta, pesto or meat rolls.

Kitchen gadgets

Using a vegetable peeler, kitchen scissors or a vegetable cutter will significantly facilitate and speed up the preparation of the ingredients for a meal. You should first consider which products you most often prepare and then look for gadgets available in this category. It makes no sense to buy, for example, a meat lancing device or a vegetable peeler when we eat these products sporadically. There are plenty of such gadgets, so everyone will surely find something for themselves.
The easiest and cheapest way to buy them is online, but they are also available from most supermarkets. Our favorite accessories are a vegetable peeler, a sharp kitchen knife, a strainer (colander) that we use for washing vegetables or rinsing groats and for straining e.g. pasta, and because we like vegetable soups, creams are a blender.

6 ways to cook faster and healthier meals

Planning the weekly menu in such a way that the base products are repeated

In this way, rice, pasta, meat or other ingredients that require longer cooking can be cooked once, and the amount selected so that they can be used as an ingredient of several meals. It is only important to store them properly, i.e. put them in an airtight container and put them in the refrigerator as soon as possible. The products prepared in this way are very helpful, regardless of whether we prepare meals on a regular basis or for the whole day in lunch boxes.
How much can cooked products be stored?
– hard-boiled eggs up to 7 days,
– pasta and rice for 2-3 days,
-meat and vegetables up to 3-4 days,

And ready meals, such as soup, up to 4-5 days.

However, remember not to heat and cool everything at once. Put the appropriate portion of the product into the vessel in which you want to heat it, and put the rest in the refrigerator. This avoids the overgrowth of bacteria. The best way to reheat rice or pasta is to pour boiling water over a portion. In this way, you can save a lot of time, and on a diet it is extremely valuable, especially when you spend a lot of hours at work, training and at the same time you do not want to and often cannot give up your other life responsibilities.

6 ways to cook faster and healthier meals

Freezing a portion of the sauce

It’s worth having a sauce prepared in such a way that you can use it for rice, pasta or potatoes at any time. To stick to your proportions in the diet, if the recipe we use is appropriate for 1 meal, and we use 5 times the proportion, then using a kitchen scale we have to divide it evenly and put it in 5 packages. In addition, as we are already at freezing, we also recommend that you always have frozen lemon juice cubes – you can add them to a glass of water or to a salad dressing.

6 ways to cook faster and healthier meals

Cleaning while cooking

In this way, when the meal is finished, we finish working in the kitchen. Due to this habit, we avoid time-consuming cleaning up after cooking.
It is in a sense „multitasking”, but in its simplest form and it is really extremely useful. For example, while waiting for the water to boil, for example for rice, you can wash the dishes that you used to prepare something (instead of using the phone).
We can complete many individual kitchen tasks in a few minutes, while we are still waiting for something. In addition, we should do something that will not take much of our time.
Think about it, if you take 5 or 10 minutes to do something now, you will have everything done afterwards and free time. First duties and then pleasure – it always works and motivates.

Cooking one-pot meals

It is an extremely practical and convenient way to prepare meals. In this way, we can use in one dish all the macronutrients found in our properly balanced diet, of course, if we use such a calculated diet. When we feel hungry, we eat appropriately selected portions.

And what are your proven methods for quick and dietary cooking? Let us know in the comments!

Our website is a diet blog where we publish every day:
– healthy advice
breakfast recipes
lunch recipes
dinner recipes
snacks recipes
desserts recipes

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