Vitamin B5 – properties, sources and dosage
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) has numerous properties. What are the actions of vit. B5? How to recognize its deficiency or excess? What is the best source of vit. B5?
Vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, is essential for every living cell. Vitamin B5 includes substances such as panthenol, pantein, pantothenic acid and coenzyme A.
Vitamin B5 participates in energy metabolism in the body and is involved in the synthesis of vitamin A, vitamin D, steroid hormones, neurotransmitters, and cholesterol.
What are the best sources of vitamin B5? How to recognize the symptoms and effects of vitamin B5 deficiency or excess? Check!
What are the most important properties of vitamin B5?
- Participates in the regeneration of skin cells and mucous membranes
- Protects the heart against ischemic disease
- Strengthens the immune system
- Involved in energy metabolism in the body, including oxidation reactions and synthesis of fatty acids
- Participates in the synthesis of cholesterol, steroid hormones, neurotransmitters, as well as vitamins A and D
The recommended daily intake of vitamin B5 for adults is 5 mg, for pregnant women 6 mg, and for breastfeeding women 7 mg. Usually, a proper diet provides a sufficient amount of vitamin B5, and therefore symptoms of its deficiency are not often observed in people. However, it should be noted that high stress increases the daily requirement for this nutrient.
What are the best sources of vitamin B5?
- Poultry meat
- Poultry liver
- Herring
- Brown rice
- Whole grain bread
- Yellow cheese
- Whole milk
- Chicken eggs
- Potatoes
- Broccoli
- Avocado
- Bananas
- Oranges
- Mushrooms
- Nuts
Remember that vitamin B5 is quickly destroyed by sunlight and during cooking.

What are the effects and symptoms of vitamin B5 deficiency?
- Cracking skin at the corners of the mouth
- Vision problems
- Feelings of fatigue, irritability, and numbness
- Leg cramps
- Muscle and joint pains and stiffness, especially upon waking
- Hair loss and baldness
What are the effects and symptoms of excess vitamin B5?
- Diarrhea
- Allergic reactions
Vitamin B5 is essential for the proper functioning of the body. It is part of the B-group vitamins, which have a particularly beneficial effect on the nervous system and skin.
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