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Tortilla with chicken and vegetables

Homemade chicken tortilla is a tried-and-true method for a quick and delicious healthy meal. How to make chicken tortilla? Discover our diet-friendly recipe!

A tortilla with chicken, vegetables, and garlic sauce is a simple and quick, fit meal using tortillas.
Chicken meat is an excellent source of protein, minerals, and vitamins. This is primarily why it is very popular during weight loss on a standard diet. Its significant advantage is the very quick preparation time.
How to make a warm chicken tortilla? Discover an easy recipe for chicken and garlic sauce tortilla!

Preparation time: 10 min
Calories: 396
Protein: 31 g
Carbohydrates: 38 g
Fats: 12 g

Ingredients for tortilla with chicken and vegetables:

  • Chicken breast 1/2 medium fillet (100 g)
  • Whole wheat tortilla (wrap) 1 piece (62 g)
  • Tomato 1/2 medium piece (90 g)
  • Cucumber 1/2 small piece (45 g)
  • Lettuce 1 leaf (10 g)
  • Canned corn 1 tablespoon (15 g)
  • Natural yogurt 3% 2 tablespoons (50 g)
  • Garlic 1 clove (5 g)
  • Olive oil 1 teaspoon (5 g)
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Curry

Preparation of tortilla with chicken and vegetables:

Tortilla with chicken and vegetables recipe

Step 1: Clean, dry, and cut the chicken breast fillet into smaller pieces.

Tortilla with chicken and vegetables recipe

Step 2: Pour olive oil into a bowl and add a pinch of curry seasoning. Mix it together.

Tortilla with chicken and vegetables recipe

Step 3: Place the meat pieces into the dish with the prepared marinade and coat them thoroughly.

Tortilla with chicken and vegetables recipe

Step 4: Heat a dry, non-stick pan. After a moment, add the meat and cook for about 4-8 minutes (depending on the size of the pieces, ensuring the meat is not raw in the center), stirring occasionally. In the meantime, prepare the remaining ingredients.

Tortilla with chicken and vegetables recipe

Step 5: Peel and crush the garlic using a garlic press or grate it using a fine grater. In a bowl, place the yogurt and the crushed garlic. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Mix thoroughly. Set it aside.

Tortilla with chicken and vegetables recipe

Step 6: Wash and dry the lettuce. Wash the tomato, dry it, and cut it into small pieces. Wash the cucumber, peel it, and cut it into medium-sized cubes.

Tortilla with chicken and vegetables recipe

Step 7: Warm the tortilla according to the instructions on the package. Spread half of the sauce on the warmed tortilla. Then, layer the lettuce, tomato, cucumber, meat, and drained corn kernels. Drizzle the remaining sauce over the top.

Tortilla with chicken and vegetables recipe

Step 8: Wrap the tortilla and eat it immediately after preparation.

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Related topics – meal: how to make a chicken tortilla, tortilla with chicken recipe, chicken and vegetable tortilla, chicken and vegetable tortilla calories, healthy chicken tortilla recipes, how to make a warm chicken tortilla, recipe for chicken and garlic sauce tortilla, chicken and garlic sauce tortilla, homemade chicken and garlic sauce tortilla, chicken and vegetable tortilla recipe, what to eat with tortilla, what to wrap in a tortilla, what to eat with a tortilla, quick chicken dinner, dietetic dinner with tortilla, chicken tortilla recipe

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