Sweet potato fries are a delicious and simple healthy fast food dish. How to make sweet potato fries? Discover an easy oven-baked sweet potato fries recipe! Sweet potato fries are a worldwide favorite, even among those on a diet. As with many other fast food meals, the issue lies only in the preparation method, the ingredients used, and, most importantly, their quantity.Sweet potatoes are rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, iodine, as well as small amounts of manganese, copper, and selenium. They also contain B vitamins (especially B6), vitamin C, vitamin E, and folic acid.Sweet…
sweet paprika
Homemade chicken kebab is a simple and quick fit meal with chicken. How to make homemade kebab? Discover a simple recipe for a diet-friendly chicken kebab!
Baked potato wedges are an easy-to-prepare dish made from potatoes. How to make baked potatoes? Discover a simple recipe for baked potatoes!
Mexican chicken tortilla is a healthy dish made with ground chicken. How to make a Mexican tortilla? Discover the recipe for a tortilla with Mexican-style meat!
Mexican turkey rice is a healthy meal with ground meat. How to make rice with meat in Mexican style? Discover the recipe for Mexican-style rice with meat!
Baked cauliflower in yogurt paste is a fit dish made from cauliflower. How do you make cauliflower in the oven? Discover a simple recipe for baked cauliflower with skyr yogurt!
Cheese taco with ground beef is a simple yet impressive high-protein, high-fat meal. How to make cheese taco? Discover the simple recipe for keto taco with beef!
Chicken liver with onions is an idea for a dietetic lunch made with poultry liver. How to make chicken liver with onions? Discover a recipe for chicken liver!
Caesar salad is a simple and quick fit dish with turkey. How to make a Caesar salad with turkey? Discover the diet recipe for Caesar salad with turkey!
Bulgur with oyster mushrooms is an idea for a healthy vegetarian dinner. What to make with bulgur? Discover a simple recipe for bulgur in yogurt sauce!