Red lentil and tofu spread is a simple, healthy vegan spread. How to make a lentil and tofu spread? Discover an easy recipe for red lentil spread! Red lentil and tofu spread is a quick and easy dish that can be used in many ways. It’s best to prepare multiple portions at once and enjoy them over a few days. This versatile meal helps save a lot of time.You can eat the red lentil and tofu spread on its own or as a topping for bread, pasta, tortillas, or sliced vegetables like carrots, bell peppers, and cucumbers.Lentils are packed with…
Leek cream soup is a simple and quick-to-prepare diet-friendly soup. How to make leek cream soup? Discover our easy recipe for leek soup! Check it out!
Yogurt and garlic sauce pasta is a quick and fit meal made with pasta. How to make pasta with natural yogurt? Discover a fit recipe for pasta in yogurt sauce!
Homemade chicken kebab is a simple and quick fit meal with chicken. How to make homemade kebab? Discover a simple recipe for a diet-friendly chicken kebab!
Homemade hummus is a simple and quick-to-prepare healthy chickpea spread. How to make chickpea hummus? Discover a simple recipe for classic fit hummus!
Baked potato wedges are an easy-to-prepare dish made from potatoes. How to make baked potatoes? Discover a simple recipe for baked potatoes!
Sweet potato toasts with avocado and tomato are a simple vegan dish made from sweet potatoes. What can you make with sweet potatoes? Discover a simple recipe with sweet potato and avocado!
Tomato soup in a mug is a simple and light dish made from tomatoes. How to make homemade tomato soup in a mug? Discover an easy recipe for a quick tomato soup!
Creamy pumpkin soup with a hint of ginger and coconut is a simple pumpkin soup made with coconut milk. How to make creamy pumpkin soup? Discover the recipe for pumpkin cream soup with ginger!
Tomato, pepper and cucumber gazpacho with feta is a simple cold soup. How to make gazpacho? Discover an easy recipe for gazpacho with feta cheese!