Homemade vanilla pudding is a simple and quick-to-make healthy fit dessert. How to make vanilla pudding? Discover an easy recipe for homemade vanilla pudding! Homemade vanilla pudding is a simple and quick fit dessert ready in just 5 minutes.To prepare this delicious treat, you only need milk, egg yolk, calorie-free sweetener, starch, butter, and vanilla flavoring.Vanilla pudding is a great idea for a tasty and, most importantly, healthy dessert, as well as an essential addition to many sweet dishes, such as cakes, pancakes, oatmeal, or pastries.Milk is a valuable source of vitamins A, B, D, E, and K, as well…
Homemade cheesy-herb popcorn is a simple and nutritious gluten-free fit snack. How to make homemade popcorn? Discover this easy recipe for popcorn with cheese! Homemade herb popcorn with cheddar cheese is a very simple and quick-to-make savory fit snack that can even replace a meal.When popped, corn kernels significantly increase…
Mon Chou dessert is a simple and quick-to-make fit dessert with skyr. How to make a dessert with digestive biscuits? Discover an easy no-bake recipe for a fit dessert!
Homemade chicken kebab is a simple and quick fit meal with chicken. How to make homemade kebab? Discover a simple recipe for a diet-friendly chicken kebab!
American pancakes are a simple and quick fit meal for a sweet treat. How to make pancakes? Discover an easy recipe for pancakes!
Mexican chicken tortilla is a healthy dish made with ground chicken. How to make a Mexican tortilla? Discover the recipe for a tortilla with Mexican-style meat!
Shrimp curry rice is a simple dish made with shrimp and mango. How to make shrimp and mango curry? Discover a simple recipe for shrimp curry rice!
Chicken liver with onion and apple is a healthy way to prepare chicken liver. How to make liver with apple? Discover a simple recipe for liver with apple!
Mexican turkey rice is a healthy meal with ground meat. How to make rice with meat in Mexican style? Discover the recipe for Mexican-style rice with meat!
Kheer rice pudding is a delicious and incredibly aromatic fit dessert made from rice. How to make rice pudding? Discover a simple recipe for kheer rice pudding!