
Spooky mini pizzas for Halloween

Spooky Mini Pizzas for Halloween. How to make Halloween pizzas? Discover an easy recipe for spooky Halloween mini pizzas!

When the dark Halloween aura hangs in the air, even the most ordinary dishes can become a part of the magical world of ghosts and monsters. One of such culinary enchantments is spooky mini pizzas for Halloween.
The foundation of these little wonders is tortilla, known for its lightness and crispiness, which serves as the perfect canvas for our eerie creations. Yellow cheese, melting under the warmth, resembles the flowing cloaks of ghosts or the cobwebs that stretch across old attics. Ketchup not only adds flavor but also a bloody character, reminiscent of mysterious legends of the night. If you’re looking for a creative way to enrich your Halloween feast, these spooky mini pizzas will surely attract both food enthusiasts and horror lovers!

Preparation time: 12 min
Calories: 547
Protein: 23 g
Carbohydrates: 55 g
Fats: 25 g

Ingredients for spooky mini pizzas for Halloween:

  • Mini tortillas 6-8 pieces (100 g)
  • Yellow cheese 1 piece (60 g)
  • Ketchup 2 tablespoons (30 g)

Preparation of spooky mini pizzas for Halloween:

spooky mini pizzas for halloween recipe

Step 1: Grate or finely chop the cheese. Cut Halloween patterns out of half of the tortilla rounds.

Halloween mini ghost pizzas recipe

Step 2: Spread ketchup on one side of the cut tortillas. Assemble the pizzas in the following order: whole tortilla round – cheese – tortilla round with the pattern, with ketchup on the inside.

Halloween mini ghost pizzas recipe

Step 3: Transfer them to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and place them in an oven preheated to 200°C (392°F). Remove them when the tortilla slightly hardens and the cheese melts, which should take around 5-10 minutes.

Halloween mini ghost pizzas recipe

Step 4: Transfer them to a plate.

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