Scrambled tofu with coconut oil
Tofu scramble is a simple and quick fit meal made from tofu- the vegan alternative to scrambled eggs. How to make a tofu scramble? Discover the easy recipe for tofu!
Tofu scramble is a simple and quick-to-prepare vegan fit meal. To make it, all you need is tofu, onion, coconut oil (which you can replace with another type of oil), and seasonings.
It’s beneficial to use black salt in this dish, which adds an „eggy” aroma and taste to the meal. However, you can use any other salt, but it will result in a milder flavor of the tofu scramble.
Tofu is pressed curd made from soy milk. It’s produced using lemon juice, salt, calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, or magnesium sulfate. The soy milk undergoes a coagulation process. This results in whey and a floating white mass, which is then drained to form tofu blocks. Thanks to its phytoestrogen content, specifically isoflavones, which act similarly to sex hormones (estrogens), tofu can alleviate menopausal symptoms and prevent the development of some cancers. Studies have shown that isoflavones have the ability to regulate phenomena related to the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells.
Tofu is a rich source of protein, phosphorus, phytohormones, and calcium. It’s a vital component of vegan cuisine and is highly appreciated and frequently used in Asian cooking, especially in China, where it originates.
How to make tofu scramble? Discover the simple recipe for tofu scramble!
Preparation time: 10 min
Calories: 242
Protein: 23 g
Carbohydrates: 14 g
Fats: 13 g
Ingredients for 1 serving of tofu scramble:
- Tofu 1 package (200 g)
- Onion 1 small piece (50 g)
- Coconut oil 1 teaspoon (5 g)
- Black salt
- Turmeric
- Curry
Preparation of scrambled tofu:

Step 1: Drain the tofu from its liquid and mash it with a fork.

Step 2: Peel and finely chop the onion. Heat and evenly spread the coconut oil in a pan. After a moment, add the chopped onion to the pan. Sauté for a few minutes, stirring occasionally.

Step 3: Then add the tofu and heat until it’s slightly softened and any excess moisture has evaporated.

Step 4: At the end, season to taste with salt (preferably black salt), turmeric, and curry. Mix well.

Krok 5: Transfer to a plate.
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