Motivation to change – How to discover yourself?
How to find and maintain the motivation to act? Where to find inspiration? How to deal with worst times, when our level of motivation drops? Check it out!
The front row seats are always the most expensive in the theater. In the play titled „Your Life” not only do you not perform, but you also sit last.
People on stage tell you what you are and what you should. The people in the front rows act as if they know you better than you know yourself. And you? You are sitting at the very end in a dark corner, and you can only see because someone has not closed the door to the corridor where the light is on.

How to change yourself?
If you are not sure of yourself, your plans and dreams, you will always be „under”. So how do you change it? How to become a self-confident man and confident in your plans?
At the beginning of our lives, we listen to, for example, parents who tell us what to do: play, wash your hands, eat until the end, sing a song, etc. But there comes a time when we should decide what to do, how to behave and how live.
How to start deciding about your life?
And then you shouldn’t act like a programmed razor that carries out the commands of everyone around you. Each of us experienced a situation in which he spoke publicly about his plans and dreams and was criticized by „loved ones”. Why did I put the word of my loved ones in quotation marks? Because these people may be physically close, spending time with you, but they don’t know you inside and unfortunately it could be your fault. Why? Because you are not so sure about your plans and dreams to talk about them with passion, commitment and love.
How can I stop being afraid of being criticized by others?
Remember that the stronger emotion always wins. Let me give you an example: imagine that you won in the lottery, tomorrow you receive 1 million dollars, you come home and you see a desperate family that informs you that a very close person is missing. That million is forgotten. What am I going to? If your emotions towards your dreams are stronger than those of your friends’ criticism, you will win and, moreover, they may start to support you in this. There are people who say loudly from an early age „I want to be a pilot”, „I want to be a violinist” and everyone can see that when the plane flies, it shakes all over, whether he wanted to enroll in a music school since childhood. And in such people you believe more than in those who suddenly have a „whim” and another goofy, ill-considered idea for their life.

How to start living life to the full?
You need to understand those people who criticize, because if your plans and dreams are not connected with any knowledge and therefore you are uncertain, then such a reaction is natural and in many cases it is not about cutting wings at all.
Take time to develop and learn. The more you know about the field that interests you, the more confident you will be in what you want to do, or you can come to the conclusion from the very beginning that it is not it. Be flexible and don’t be self-constrained if you don’t feel something.
When is the best time to tell others about your plans?
It depends on who you are and what kind of people surround you. You can talk about it often and in small chunks, or you can say nothing, develop yourself and say it out loud with a plan that is covered with more than basic knowledge. Am I going to make people’s opinion completely irrelevant to us? It depends what people! If you want to consult a person who has never achieved anything in life, not because he is trying to change something in his life all the time, but because he is a „critic” type of person – what’s the point? Do you want to advise someone? Write a message to the man who is where you are headed! There is Facebook and Instagram, so it’s worth taking advantage of it, even if this someone doesn’t write back to you. You won’t lose anything. Search for Facebook groups with people similar to you. Do you want to be a photographer? Look for a group for beginner photographers – believe me, no one will criticize you and cut your wings.
When is it worth disconnecting from „friends”?
Imagine that you are at a stage where your achievements and knowledge in a given field are already at such a level that they impress other people. Do you have this condition? And now, if, despite your abilities supplemented by hard work, your friends will still make fun of and mock your idea… Don’t even think! But if they change their minds and start supporting you, it means that you were a person who could talk a lot and do little all his life, and therefore the reaction of your friends was the same.
If you say every day that you want to change jobs and don’t do anything about it for the next year, no one can take your words seriously.
If you give yourself your word and don’t keep it, you don’t take yourself seriously, so don’t expect others to treat you that way.

What if you have absolutely no idea for your life?
If you are in a „black ass” and you don’t know what you want to do in life and what interests you, your main task at the moment is to think about: what do you like to talk about or what people do you look at and think „WOW” to yourself. Finding yourself in yourself is the greatest treasure you can ever find in your life.
The road to realizing your dreams at a later stage is just an amazing pleasure supplemented with all possible emotions and states that a person can feel and experience.
My passions are dietitian and foreign languages. I am a type of two-track man. I can only do one thing at a time.
I chose a dietitian, and she chose herself. It took me 8 years to come to the point of fulfillment, which is 1/10 of my life if we assume that I will live 80 years.
I will not describe to you this state that has accompanied me in recent years, because you just have to experience it.
I wish you all happiness, good luck and perseverance in your plans. And I am asking you also – keep your fingers crossed for me when I decide to start developing my second passion, which are foreign languages.
Ps. In my case, I had to cut off contacts with all the people who were around me at the time I started my shift. After many years, the same people on my birthday on Facebook wish me more success and I am convinced that they are wishes straight from the heart.
People change as you do, but not always for the better. It is worth remembering this.
Do your job in silence, let the results speak for you on the largest lectern in the world, which is your heart.
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