Microwave no-fry pancakes
Microwave no-fry pancakes are a very simple dish. How to make pancakes in the microwave? Discover a diet recipe for no-fry pancakes!
Microwave no-fry pancakes are a much simpler and quicker version of this popular meal.
Microwave pancakes are very tasty, though they differ slightly from the classic ones. They can be eaten hot or cold with any sweet or savory toppings. They are also perfect as a take-away meal. To make these pancakes, you only need flour, an egg, milk, baking powder, a pinch of salt, and water, and just a few minutes.
How to make no-fry pancakes? Discover a simple recipe for microwave pancakes!
Preparation time: 10 min
Calories: 223
Protein: 11 g
Carbohydrates: 32 g
Fats: 6 g
Ingredients for microwave no-fry pancakes (3-4 pieces):
- Flour (e.g., wheat or rice) 4 tablespoons (40 g)
- Egg 1 piece (50 g)
- Milk 0,5% 1/5 cup (40 g)
- Baking powder 1/2 teaspoon (2 g)
- Salt
- Water
Preparation of microwave no-fry pancakes:

Step 1: In a bowl, place the flour, baking powder, and a pinch of salt. Mix well.

Step 2: Add the egg, milk, and some water (about 1/3 cup – adjust the amount of water during mixing to make the batter smooth and pourable). Mix and beat thoroughly until you get a smooth consistency (no lumps). Let it stand for a few minutes.

Step 3: Then, pour the batter onto a plate or other flat dish in an amount similar to a classic pancake. Spread it evenly so that there are no holes, etc. Place the dish with the batter in the microwave for about 2-3 minutes (depending on the power of your microwave). Check the doneness from time to time. Remove from the microwave when the batter is completely set. Immediately transfer the pancake to another plate to prevent it from sticking to the one used in the microwave. Repeat the steps until you use up all the batter.

Step 4: Eat hot or cold.
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Related topics – meal: microwave pancakes, recipe for microwave pancakes, diet recipes from the microwave, no-fry pancakes, fat-free pancakes calories, no-fry pancake recipe, how to make no-fry pancakes, how to prepare no-fry pancakes, recipe for microwave pancakes, how to make pancakes in the microwave, microwave pancakes, microwave pancake recipe, microwave pancakes, microwave pancakes, what can be made in the microwave, what can be made in the microwave oven
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