How to take care of health

How do we care for our health? A few facts about us

Domi Zaremba

On our blog we will share knowledge on topics related to lifestyle, health and nutrition.Therefore, at the beginning, we will introduce you to our daily health care.

1. Healthy eating

When shopping, we try to select products of the highest available quality, as long as it is profitable. Shopping for groceries is quite a challenge, but we have our proven ways to do it, which we’d love to share with you soon.

We believe that you should choose your food with care. Conscious eating for us means paying attention to what and why we eat and, above all, eating without haste.Our kitchen always has a lot of healthy, and most importantly suitable products for us, such as: rice, avocado, olive oil, groats, lean meat, fish, eggs.We eat quite differently. We listen to our organisms that tell us best what we should eat. Knowing how to listen to your own body is not easy, especially in the beginning when the body may send false signals to unhealthy cravings that it has become used to over the years of practicing. However, it is worth trying to learn this skill as it will help you take better care of your health and well-being.

We are of the opinion that you can eat anything, but in the right amount – you can gain weight from the healthiest things if you eat too much. Our MyProportion diet app helps us a lot in selecting the right amount.

2. Drinking water

Water is the main drink we drink every day. Additionally, we sometimes only drink coffee and freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juices. We do not sweeten any drink. Drinking the right amount of water is irreplaceable for the health of the body, and also promotes weight loss. We will definitely cover this topic many times on our blog.

3. Regular medical examinations

Preventive blood tests and check-ups with doctors are the basis for taking care of ourselves. We believe that health issues should not be underestimated and regular tests that help determine the general condition of the body should be performed. Well-being is an important indicator of the state of the body, but it is also worth checking whether the body, for example, does not develop inflammation or whether there are indications for a wider diagnosis. Currently, there are many factors that may affect the deterioration of health, which is why it is so important to constantly monitor your body and possibly react quickly to any disturbing signals.

4. Physical activity

Physical activity is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. The list of scientifically proven health benefits of an active lifestyle is very long. Additionally, the influence of activity on general well-being and mood are very important to us. Even when we do not have time to practice, we choose alternative ways to introduce at least little traffic during the day, e.g. walking, choosing stairs instead of an elevator or riding a bicycle instead of a car. We are open to trying new activities, but so far our favorite forms of exercise include: home training, walking, cycling, swimming, home pilates and bowling.

5. We don’t smoke cigarettes and we don’t drink alcohol

Alcohol is ubiquitous in our society, but the benefits of not drinking it are enormous. Even a month without alcohol can significantly improve your health and well-being. Alcohol has a negative effect on the mind, liver or as a caloric bomb on the figure. If you take into account the potential benefits and the number of negative effects that drinking alcohol brings, there are definitely more disadvantages than advantages. Occasionally, we drink wine with dinner or a beer during a meeting with friends, but they are in small amounts and currently not more often than once every few months.

Our website is a diet blog where we publish every day:
– healthy advice
breakfast recipes
lunch recipes
dinner recipes
snacks recipes
desserts recipes

Related issues – entry: how to take care of health, how to take care of physical health, how to take care of mental health, health tips, ways to a healthy lifestyle, how to start taking care of yourself,

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