How to start exercising? Our proven ways
How to start exercising? What are the benefits of physical activity? How to exercise properly and what forms of activity should you choose? How to overcome your fear of exercise? Check it out!
Physical activity complements a healthy, properly balanced diet. Movement is an important element in the prevention of many diseases. In addition, it has a very positive effect on our well-being and supports weight reduction or maintaining an appropriate weight.
People who move a little bit have much more energy and a better mood. What if, despite this knowledge, you do not like to exercise? How to convince yourself to be active and, above all, how to start exercising? Check it out!

How can physical activity benefit us?
- It strengthens the immune system
- Regulates blood pressure
- Regulates metabolism
- It lowers blood sugar levels
- It lowers the risk of cardiovascular disorders
- It prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis

How To Exercise?
- Physical activity should be a constant part of our lives. It is important to choose the movement according to your abilities, preferences and personality. For accurate and calm people, walking, cycling, yoga or Pilates will be better, and for people full of energy, for example, Nordic walking, running, swimming or spinning will be better.
- Don’t overload your body. Slowly get your body used to the effort. Daily exercise should be something pleasant for you. Too high intensity and too long workouts, especially at the beginning, may discourage you and even harm your health. Plan to enter a constant cycle of training. Don’t assume unreal things. If you can’t run freely and continuously for 30 minutes, it won’t change after a week.
- When planning your physical activity, first of all, take into account:
1. What forms of activity do you like and what are the most enjoyable for you?
2. How much time can you spend on this without disturbing your weekly schedule? It is best to set fixed hours for your physical activity, e.g. in the morning before you start your daily duties or during the day at a time when you usually have more free time.
3. After you choose a realistic plan, you must promise yourself that you will follow it. You need to show a little bit of motivation. Take into account how beneficial it will be for your health, well-being and figure.
- When planning your physical activity, first of all, take into account:
- Despite the many benefits of physical activity, you can often hear that someone would like to start exercising, but there is absolutely no time for it. One of the most common excuses is that there are tons of other things to do after a hard day at work, and then we don’t have the strength to do anything. And the truth is, between these important things, we spend a lot of time on less important things – like sitting in front of a computer or TV. If something is important to you, you will find a way to do it, and if it is no excuse. It is only important to choose the exercises appropriately.
- Quality is what counts, not quantity. During any activity, focus on it and don’t think about anything else. If your movement is more relaxing – relax, and if your movement is intense – focus on proper posture and muscle work. Practice carefully and calmly. You never rush.

What forms of activity should you choose?
- Choose various forms of activity, but only those that make you happy. It is worth considering all muscle groups and engaging them while moving.
- Exercising at home and outdoors is a great choice, especially for people who have little time. However, it is worth varying your exercises and trying new forms of movement.
You can find a lot of great tutorial videos on the Internet, e.g. for home Pilates training, yoga, fitness, FBW (Full body workout), etc.
And if the place where you exercise is a gym – it is worth going to some classes at least to get to know new forms of movement and maybe engage other muscle groups. - What forms of activity do we recommend? In our opinion, physical activity is any kind of movement. The most important thing is that you enjoy this movement. If you like gardening, walking, house cleaning or dancing in the privacy of your home – choose this type of activity for yourself. However, as we mentioned, it is worth trying something new from time to time, because perhaps we will also like it.
How to overcome fear of physical activity?
- You’re not one of those people who always have an excuse and don’t exercise anyway? Perhaps because of the fear of exercise. It is normal that exercise can cause anxiety. It’s hardest to survive the initial period. If you go through with this, you will love the move over time. You feel better quickly – it will be a confirmation that your choice was right.
- Many people associate physical activity with pain. Occasionally a slight muscle pain may appear, such as when our bodies are not stretched out sufficiently. Then you should think about introducing more stretching exercises. Stretching, even gentle, should be a constant part of our physical activity. However, if you feel severe pain during training, stop exercising. Physical activity must never be painful.
- Never worry about other people’s opinions about your training, appearance, condition, etc. You also don’t judge anyone and don’t compare yourself with anyone else. What is your goal? A better version of yourself – and just focus on it.

What else should you pay attention to?
- It’s a good idea to stretch your muscles, especially before and after training. In this way, i.a. you will avoid soreness, take care of muscle flexibility, improve circulation, strengthen joints and make your body firmer. The initial stretching exercises must be performed slowly and carefully by us. Too dynamic movements can lead to injury.
- If you exercise in the morning, you can exercise on an empty stomach. Breakfast, preferably carbohydrate – eat it immediately after getting out of the shower.
- If you exercise in the evening – eat a light and small protein meal after training.
- Exercise at least 1 hour after your last meal.
- It is worth taking care of comfortable outfit for exercise. Especially footwear if you exercise outside the home.
- Always exercise in a ventilated room.
- Set realistic training and body goals. Do not overload your body and measure your effects with kilograms. Body shape effects come with time – first the circumference decreases, and only then the weight. It is not worth focusing too much on it, because it can only be a reason for unnecessary stress. Better to focus on the joy you get from exercise, better condition and strength, and improving your well-being.
It is worth taking care of your health because it affects the body and mind. Check out our ways to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Physical activity gives us a lot of benefits. Everyone can find some form of movement that is right for them. We hope that if you do not exercise on a daily basis, we have managed to convince you to introduce even a delicate movement.
And if you exercise, let us know in the comments what kind of activity you like best!
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