Healthy eating - 10 effective rules

Healthy eating – 10 effective rules

Domi Zaremba

What are the rules of healthy eating? We have compiled simple and universal rules of healthy eating that can be used by everyone. Check it out!

What are the principles of healthy eating suitable for everyone? Certainly: eat regularly, choose the best quality food and preferably the least processed food. And most importantly – eat in peace and with the right attitude to the meal you eat.
Currently, it’s hard to keep up with all the latest news in the field of dietetics, especially since many of them are mutually exclusive.
It is worth being up to date with scientific research, but also relying on practice and looking for the best solutions on your own – mainly on the basis of your well-being.

Healthy eating - 10 effective rules

What is healthy eating?

Healthy eating means different things for everyone. There are few products in the world that are healthy and suitable for all people. Each body reacts differently to the food it consumes and has different needs. However, you should try different products and watch your body’s reactions.
Sometimes even foods that are considered healthy can be harmful to some people – especially in the case of various diseases and ailments. Although the diet is a very individual matter, we have compiled universal rules that can be used by everyone.

Healthy eating - 10 effective rules

Healthy Eating – 10 Effective Rules

  1. The most important thing is to have the right attitude towards the food you eat. Treat each of your meals as food for your body. This approach is synonymous with taking care of the quality of the products from which the meals are prepared and the way they are served.
  2. Eat meals regularly, but only when you feel hungry. Regularity will have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract and on providing the right amount of energy throughout the day. It certainly has a positive effect on the figure, well-being and concentration.
  3. If you feel hungry between scheduled meals, drink water. We recommend that you drink a minimum of 1.5 liters of water a day. Hunger is often confused with thirst. Whenever you feel hungry, drink water first. Additionally, drinking the right amount of water promotes weight loss. Water is essential for the proper functioning of the body and its cleansing. Everyone has an individual need for water. The demand for fluids for the average person can be determined at the level of 2.5 liters a day, including those contained in food, vegetables or fruit. Therefore, water alone should be drunk at least 1.5 liters per day.
  4. Make sure that the meal takes place in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere and that it is not disturbed by other activities.
  5. Stress is the main cause of gas, constipation, intestinal cramps and stomach acidity. Therefore, avoid eating when you are tired and nervous.
  6. In order not to irritate the gastric mucosa, do not eat very salty, very sweet, spicy or fatty foods on an empty stomach.
  7. Avoid very hot food. They adversely affect the mucosa of the mouth, esophagus and stomach, which can cause inflammation and, over time, even other serious diseases.
  8. After each meal, rest for a while so that the body begins to digest it calmly.
  9. Use spices. Natural spices are great sources of vitamins and minerals and have a beneficial effect on the body, for example by improving digestion, antibacterial or antiviral properties. Additionally, hot spices contain capsaicin and its derivatives, which show a thermogenic effect. This means that they can take part in faster breakdown of fats and acceleration of metabolic changes (but avoid mixtures that contain sugar).
  10. Try to eat as varied as possible. Eat everything, but in the right amounts for you. It is worth to include in our daily diet such products as: vegetables, fruit (in not too large amounts), good proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Products from each group have different properties for our body, so let’s try to use all of them.

We encourage you to focus not only on what we eat, but also on how we eat. Let us know if you follow any of our healthy eating principles. Or maybe you have any proven ways to eat healthy?

Our website is a diet blog where we publish every day:
– healthy advice
breakfast recipes
lunch recipes
dinner recipes
snacks recipes
desserts recipes

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