Gingerbread-chocolate muffins
Gingerbread-chocolate muffins are easy and quick holiday treats. How do you make gingerbread muffins? Discover a simple recipe for gingerbread muffins!
Gingerbread-chocolate muffins are very easy and quick to prepare holiday cupcakes. Fluffy and moist muffins, thanks to the addition of gingerbread spices and pieces of chocolate, acquire a completely different taste…
Chocolate is a food product made from cocoa beans. It is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, B vitamins, E, magnesium and potassium. It is mainly known for its positive effects on memory and concentration, mood improvement, and beneficial impact on the heart and circulatory system.
How to make holiday muffins? Discover a simple recipe for gingerbread muffins!
Preparation time: 20 min
Calories: 395
Protein: 13 g
Carbohydrates: 52 g
Fats: 14 g
Ingredients for gingerbread-chocolate muffins (about 3-5 pieces):
- Flour, e.g., wheat or rice 1/2 cup (50 g)
- Dark cocoa 1 teaspoon (5 g)
- Dark chocolate 65% 2 squares (10 g)
- Chicken egg 1 piece (50 g)
- Sugar sprinkles 3 teaspoons (10 g)
- Calorie-free sweetener, e.g., erythritol 5 tablespoons (50 g)
- Oil 1 teaspoon (5 g)
- Soda
- Baking powder
- Gingerbread spice
Preparation of gingerbread-chocolate muffins:

Step 1: Finely chop the chocolate. In a bowl, place the flour, cocoa, 1/3 teaspoon of soda, 1/3 teaspoon of baking powder, and 1 teaspoon of gingerbread spice. Mix well.

Step 2: In a tall container, such as a blender jar, crack the egg. Add sweetener and whip into a fluffy mass.

Step 3: Pour the oil into the fluffy mass in a thin stream, continuously whipping.

Step 4: Once the ingredients are well combined, gradually add the dry ingredients (preferably one tablespoon at a time), continuously mixing.

Step 5: Add the chocolate to the uniform mass and mix with a spoon.

Step 6: Transfer about 1 large spoonful of the mixture into cupcake molds (the dough should not be more than 3/4 of the mold’s height). Decorate the top with holiday sugar sprinkles. Put in an oven preheated to 180°C (356°F). Bake until risen and set, about 15-20 minutes.

Step 7: Enjoy warm or cold.
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