medical examination before losing weight?

Do I need to do medical examination before losing weight?

Domi Zaremba

Do I need to get tested before I change my diet? If so, what and is it necessary? How to prepare for the medical exam? Check it out!

Regular diagnostics is undoubtedly important and it is worth doing it prophylactically. Especially when our well-being is not very good and we feel that something is wrong with our health condition.
Due to basic medical exams, we will find out what may be the cause of this condition. And if you decide to do medical tests, how should you prepare for it?

medical examination before losing weight?

Do I have to do tests before losing weight?

It is helpful, but not necessary, to assess your health properly before changing your diet and often your lifestyle. Research allows you to carry out the entire weight loss process in the best adapted and safest way. In addition, they allow you to compare your results before and during the diet change or after, which for us often confirm a significant improvement in health.
We especially recommend doing them when you suspect any medical conditions. However, if you do not feel such a need or desire – the final decision is always yours.
Which tests should I choose? The examinations can be divided into basic, extended and detailed examinations when you suspect ailments or symptoms.

Basic medical examinations

This is a set that is worth doing regularly. The results of these tests help to determine the general condition of the body and whether there are indications for a wider diagnosis.

  1. A complete blood count is a basic blood test that allows you to assess the condition of platelets, the white blood cell system, and the red cell system.
  2. Glucose is the basic test in the diagnosis of diabetes. It allows the assessment of carbohydrate metabolism.
  3. Lipidogram (total, LDL, HDL, TG) is a kit for the quantification of cholesterol and triglyceride fractions.
  4. Insulin is a test that measures insulin levels. It is determined in the diagnosis of insulin resistance and the tumor secreting this hormone.
  5. TSH, FT3, FT4 are hormone tests that are helpful in diagnosing and monitoring the treatment of thyroid diseases.
  6. ALT, AST are tests included in the liver tests. They are helpful in diagnosing the condition of the liver and bile ducts.
  7. CRP is an inflammatory marker that is used in diagnosis and treatment monitoring.
  8. anti-TPO, anti -TG are antibody studies that are observed in autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland.
  9. Blood pressure measurement is a test that will determine whether there is hypertension, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (including heart attack and stroke) and organ damage.
  10. Urinalysis is a useful test that can reveal a lot of information about the state of the body, e.g. changes in color can indicate muscle damage or breakdown of red blood cells, lack of clarity can be caused by inflammation or gout, and urine pH can tell the type of person you are using diets.

If you have health insurance or other entitlement to healthcare services, most of the above tests can be performed free of charge.

medical examination before losing weight?

Extended research

This is a set of additional tests that are more detailed and helpful in adjusting the diet and possible supplementation. They are not necessary, and in addition, their considerable downside is the high price. However, if you can afford such an expense, we encourage you to do these tests (especially the first 3).

  1. Iron is a test that helps detect iron deficiency or excess in the body.
  2. Ferritin is a test useful in the diagnosis of iron deficiency and the differentiation of anemia. It enables the assessment of iron stores in the body.
  3. Vitamin D3 25 (0H) is a study thanks to which we are aware of the level of vitamin. D in our body. It is of particular importance in planning or controlling supplementation.
  4. Total IgE is a test of the level of antibodies. It is helpful in diagnosing or ruling out allergies, parasite infections.
  5. Uric acid is a test that is used in the diagnosis of renal dysfunction. Its concentration is also important in the diagnosis of gout (arthritis).
  6. Vitamin B12 is a test of the level of an essential vitamin for optimal body function. It is one of the compounds necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system, the formation of red blood cells and DNA synthesis.
  7. Creatinine is a biochemical marker that monitors the condition of the kidneys.
medical examination before losing weight?

Tests if you suspect insulin resistance

This is a research kit that will explain everything. What might indicate insulin resistance?
-Overweight and obesity
-Problem with weight reduction, despite all efforts
-Significant weight gain recently
-Drastic weight loss and gaining weight in turns
-Chronic fatigue
-Rapid energy drops, especially after meals
In this case, only appropriate tests will show whether your problem is due to insulin resistance. Of course, you can start losing weight without doing these tests, but if you have insulin resistance and your diet is not properly adjusted to it, it may not be effective.

  1. Basic examinations
  2. Sugar and insulin curve at three load points: fasting, one hour, and two hours.

Tests if you suspect bowel problems

This is a set of tests that will help to find the cause and determine the appropriate diet and possible pharmacological treatment at the doctor (if the disease requires it). What might indicate bowel problems?
-Feeling bloated
-Frequent gases
-„Balloon in the belly”
In order to diagnose the problem at the beginning, perform the basic tests and the first 2 tests we indicate. If they turn out negative, then it is worth doing additional ones.

  1. Basic examinations
  2. Calprotectin in the stool
  3. Fecal occult blood
  4. The hydrogen-methane breath test is research that helps, among others distinguish between disorders such as excessive growth of bacteria in the small intestine, the so-called SIBO, food intolerances: lactose, fructose or sucrose intolerance.

Testing if you want to check if you have parasites

It is worth doing such tests in laboratories that only specialize in this and find out there what set of tests is best to perform and, if necessary, what treatment to take.

Testing if you have cardiovascular problems

  1. Basic examinations
  2. Homocysteine
  3. Vitamin B12
  4. Ferritin

Tests if you suspect celiac disease

This is a set of tests that will help you find out if you suffer from this serious disease. What might indicate celiac disease?
-Abdominal pain and distension
-Fat or watery diarrhea
-Weight loss
-Change of disposition, often depression
-Deficiency symptoms, often persistent anemia resulting from malabsorption
-Constant fatigue
-Persistent headaches
-Skin problems
-Fertility problems
It should be remembered that without consulting a gastroenterologist and without further tests, do not go on a gluten-free diet, as this will prevent a correct diagnosis. If we stop eating gluten, the body stops producing characteristic antibodies, so the results will not be reliable.

  1. The HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 haplotype is a genetic test that will not show whether you have celiac disease, but whether you have a gene that makes it possible to get sick. So it can rule out the disease, but it won’t confirm it. If these antigens are absent, the existence of celiac disease and the risk of its occurrence in the future can be virtually ruled out (but this does not mean that gluten is certainly not harmful to the body due to allergies or hypersensitivity).
  2. IgA and IgG antibodies: EmA, tTG, DGP are tests that will significantly help diagnose the existence of celiac disease. However, you should consume gluten for a minimum of 3 months before the tests, otherwise they do not make sense. Sometimes a small intestine biopsy is also necessary to confirm 100% celiac disease.
medical examination before losing weight?

Testing if you have acne and menstrual disorders

Then it is worth doing hormone tests to check if their levels are correct.

  1. Basic examinations
  2. FSH, LH and estradiol on day 2-5 of the cycle
  3. Progesterone and prolectin on day 20-21 of the cycle
  4. Andostendiol, DHT and testosterone free regardless of the cycle.

How to prepare for the medical exams?

  • You should go to the tests in the morning, on an empty stomach. Preferably between 7:00 am and 8:00 am.
  • On the previous day, the last meal should be eaten at such a time that the interval between eating and examinations is not less than 12 hours. And it is best if it is easy to digest, e.g. salad, soup, porridge, etc.
  • The day before the tests, alcohol, caffeine and intense physical activity should be avoided

When all the useful tests have been performed by you and if one of the results is incorrect, you should not start losing weight right away. First of all, it is worth using a medical consultation – especially in the case of serious ailments that will require treatment. Perhaps it will be necessary to consult specialists, e.g. an allergist, endocrinologist, gastrologist, etc. And only when we know what is happening in your body, then we will be able to focus on reducing with the help of a diet that will be individual and tailored to your diseases and treatment.
If you do not feel the need to perform tests, because your well-being is correct, you can start losing weight at any time, of course, you will need a bit of motivation and consistency.

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