Does attitude towards food matter?

Does attitude towards food matter?

Domi Zaremba

Does the attitude towards the food you eat really matter? If so, can changing the way you think about food have an impact? Check it out!

The approach to nutrition is undoubtedly a very complex and extensive topic. Our attitude towards food reflects many important relationships in life. What exactly influences the approach to eating?
Additionally, eating is very often a kind of escape from emotions, which consists in seeking temporary relief. Therefore, should we enjoy eating?

Shaping the approach to eating

Often the first complications appear in early childhood, which have a significant impact on future nutrition. Of course, parents play an important role in shaping the relationship with food in children.

The most important role of parents is to allow their child to perceive and understand their inner signals, such as feeling hungry and full. Thanks to this, children have a chance to develop an intuitive diet. Unfortunately, parents often fear that their child is hungry. From an early age, children are taught that their intuition is wrong – even when told to eat everything from the plate so as not to waste food. Parents should decide what to eat, but the child should decide how much to eat.

On the other hand, parents often categorically forbid their children to eat unhealthy products such as sweets, fast food, crisps, etc. And in this case, you can very often observe the effect of „forbidden fruit”, where children eat such products whenever they have the opportunity and, of course, when the parents they can’t see it.

Does attitude towards food matter?

What influences the approach to eating?

At school age, a young person’s relationship with food is usually influenced by the media and peer group. The hormonal changes taking place in the body of a teenager and the often too small dose of love and acceptance received from relatives are the beginning of the emergence of broadly understood eating problems. This can manifest itself as eating sorrows or as extreme restriction of food consumption, dangerous for the young organism.

There is a message in the media that suggests that only beautiful, slim bodies can guarantee happiness, health and success on many levels of life. It is certainly frustrating for many young people, regardless of gender.
What else can make a bad attitude towards eating? There can be many factors, but the most common ones are: low self-esteem, complexes and a distorted image of your own image.

Does attitude towards food matter?

Why can’t I lose weight?

Adults often, despite their great will and taking various actions, are unable to lose weight. It may be related to many factors, but certainly the feeling of such a state has a very negative impact on the human psyche. In order for weight loss or simply changing your lifestyle to work, start with the right approach to eating. Of course, a change in attitudes towards eating must go hand in hand with a change in certain eating habits. Therefore, it is very important to expand your knowledge in this field or use the help of specialists.

Does attitude towards food matter?

How can you make good food choices for yourself?

The entire process of changing nutrition is difficult, but everyone can consciously make good food choices for themselves. Man is a developed being who can constantly acquire new skills and make many changes in life. The most important thing is to know that what we eat is food for our body.
Often, even people who eat healthy have an inappropriate attitude towards their meals. And if some people additionally need to change their eating habits, going through this process is not an easy task. Therefore, it is worth starting by considering what motivates us to change? It should be obvious that everyone wants the best for their own body.

Should eating be fun?

In our opinion, the diet should not be a series of do’s and don’ts that frustrate and, worst of all, tire the psyche and the body. Unfortunately, it is a common phenomenon, especially among people who are working on changing their figure. It is worth starting a lifestyle change with getting to know ourselves and looking at how our relationships or past experiences could influence our current food choices.
We should enjoy eating. This joy should be supported by taste and the fact that the food we eat has a good effect on our body. A rational approach to food is the art of choices. It is only up to us what we eat and what quality it is.

Should you be afraid of gaining weight after eating something unhealthy and caloric occasionally?

If we care about health and physical activity, we should not be afraid of gaining weight or negative health effects after eating or drinking occasionally something that does not fit into the framework of healthy products. If we decide to make some exceptions, they should be in accordance with us, that is, we should derive joy from them – because that’s what such little sins are all about. However, if we notice that after eating something not very healthy that we wanted to feel remorse, it is a sign that our relationship with food is not entirely correct and it is worth working on it.

We should have appropriate eating habits and out of concern for health, choose what is best for our bodies. But remember that there is nothing wrong with occasional eating of something less valuable, the so-called empty calories. Provided we enjoy it, of course.
Diet should not be taken as a temporary weight loss measure, but as a lifestyle. Our lifestyle, including nutrition, should be chosen in such a way as to take care of our bodies and well-being. If you are interested in what rules we follow in order to take care of our health, check – How do we care for our health? A few facts about us.

Our website is a diet blog where we publish every day:
– healthy advice
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snacks recipes
desserts recipes

Related issues – entry: approach to nutrition, food choices, attitude to eating, healthy approach to eating, shaping the approach to eating, rational nutrition and its impact on health

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[…] Treat food as something nutritious, good, and valuable for your body. Your approach to eating is very important. Eat mindfully– savor and relish the food you consume. Always ensure that the quality of the products is as high as possible and that the meals are presented in the most beautiful way. If you want to learn more about the approach to eating– read „Does the attitude to food matter?„ […]

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